Winter Shelter 2025

The next phase of outreach is gearing up for the Winter Shelter. CCUMC will be hosting 60-75 people per night for Winter Shelter Wednesday February 5 through Wednesday February 12.

Please click here to sign-up for service sign-up, serving food, driving, clean-up, etc.

Please click here to sign-up for donation of food - request drop off between 4-5 pm to be served at following morning breakfast.

$10 Gift Cards to Mc Donald's, Wendy’s, Starbucks, etc. are very much needed for distribution (drop off in the church office). A pamphlet is in the Narthex with details, or you may call Anna Staylor (757) 754-2442 or e-mail her at  

Join us for worship!

We will have five  opportunities to worship this Sunday.

You can worship ONLINE on Facebook for the Traditional Service at 8:30 am

You can worship ONLINE on Facebook for the Contemporary Service at 9:45 am

You can worship IN-PERSON  for the Traditional Service at 8:30 am.

You can worship IN-PERSON for the Contemporary Service

at 9:45 am. 

You can worship IN-PERSON at  our revamped, more casual service

at 11:15 am.

Click HERE to read our weekly E-Circuit Rider and read all the news you need to know!

Nursery is once again open for children 2 and under at all services.

Click HERE to see our upcoming events!

Click HERE to see current job openings!


The Food Pantry will have curbside pickups on  

Wednesdays from 10-12 and from 5:30-6:30.

Wednesday night dinners are back!

Join us on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30

for a free dinner.

The Food Pantry needs YOUR help!  Click HERE to see a list of the food items we need OR please consider making a monetary donation!

Welcome to CCUMC!

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation of the world. 

Our vision is to invite, engage and equip all people

to know and worship Jesus Christ! 


There are no perfect people here at Courthouse Community UMC. 

What you will find here in the heart of Virginia Beach

are people, much like you- 

looking for answers, asking questions, 

and seeking to live and love like Jesus Christ. 

We want you to know that God loves you and so do we!