Nursery Information

We offer nursery care during all three services. Let our trained staff watch over your child while you enjoy the service! During Sunday worship services, the nursery is open to children age 5 and under. 

  Please make sure all your child’s personal belongings are clearly labeled (i.e. diaper bag, bottles, cups, pacifier, etc.). The nursery does not stock diapers or pull-ups. Please supply these items labeled with your child's name at check-in.

  If you are attending a class which ends later than your child’s class, your child will be signed in to the nursery by the nursery staff. We ask that you promptly pick up and sign your child out of the nursery at the conclusion of your class.

Kid's Community

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" -Matthew 9:14

  Kids Community is for children ages preschool to 5th grade to learn about the love of Jesus Christ and how to live out their faith. We offer Sunday School classes during our 9:45 Worship Service.

We currently offer the following Children's Sunday School Classes:

-2 year olds

-Preschool 3 Year Olds

-Preschool 4 Year Olds

-Kindergarten/First Grade

-Second/Third Grade

-Fourth/Fifth Grade

  All Sunday School classes are taught by trained volunteers and are certified under the CCUMC Child Protection Training. (This can link to the updated and current policy- need copy)

When you arrive for Sunday School you may check in your child at the Check In Desk at the entrance. There will be someone there to greet you and show you where your child's class is, if you are attending for the first time. For more information, please contact Gina Lane at


If you have a heart for working with kids,  we have a place for you!  Whether you want to be a Sunday school teacher or volunteer with vacation Bible school, we can use your talents!  To get more information, fill out the

kid's ministry interest form.